WBJEE Registration Form 2020 – Eligibility, Fees & Admit Card
Are you one of those West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations (WBJEE) aspirants? This article helps you with details about the WBJEE Application Form 2020.
Before You Apply for WBJEE!
Here are some additional details about WBJEE that one needs to know before applying for the exam. WBJEE is conducted by the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board for admission to various courses in colleges of West Bengal. The test is taken for admission to medical, pharmaceutical, architecture, engineering and technological courses. On successfully obtaining ranks above a cut-off, a candidate gets allotted to corresponding course/college based on counseling procedure. It is to be noted that for getting admitted to the aforementioned courses, WBJEE is mandatory.
WBJEE Application Form 2020
To appear in WBJEE, the candidate must have applied to it well in advance. The WBJEE application form is to be duly filled with the required information before the deadlines. Let us look at some of the important information regarding this year’s WBJEE 2020 application form.
WBJEE 2020 Application Procedure
For a candidate to apply to WBJEE 2020, a registration/application process has to be completed. The WBJEE 2020 application form needs to be filled online at the official website (http://wbjeeb.nic.in). Submission of the registration form, paying the fee and downloading the confirmation page is done through this website only for your wbjee 2020 registration form.
The candidate is expected to have a valid mobile number and email address for the WBJEE registration form. Any information from the board will be passed on to the candidate through the registered mobile number and email address on your wbjee 2020 application form.
Keep This Information ready!
While you are filling the WBJEE registration form, along with personal details the following information needs to be fed in. Although there is a time window to alter any mistakes in the details, it is advisory to know them thoroughly beforehand. The candidates have to fill in the following details in the application form.
- Name
- Parent’s name
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Identification card type
- Contact address
- Primary and alternate mobile numbers
- Photograph
- Community
- PwD status
- Family income
- Nationality
- JEE number if applicable
- 3 zones of examination center
These details are stored within a login which is password protected. Make sure you remember the username and password while you create an account to fill in the registration form.
Important Guidelines While Filling Up
There are some preset rules and regulations one needs to follow while filling up the registration form. Applications in compliance with the following will only be processed for an admit card. Take a look and make sure of the following
- Important Dates for
- Filling application with a fee – 18/10/2019 to 13/11/2019
- Correction time period – 14/11/2019 to 16/11/2019
- Last date to submit and download confirmation page – 16/11/2019
- Downloading admit card – 27/01/2020
- Uploading the photograph
- The photograph uploaded should be a recent one
- Photograph of the candidate is to be submitted with a digital signature all-together
- Low-quality images acquired from mobile phones will not be entertained
- The background color in the image should be of a light color
- The face photo ratio should be of 1:1 meaning the face should occupy at least 50% of the photograph
- Dark/tinted glasses are not accepted
- A copy of the photograph submitted should be carried along when the candidate attends counseling or admission
- The photograph should be of 4:3 aspect ratio with a size anywhere between 3kb to 100kb
- The digital signature should be of 4:1.5 aspect ratio with a size anywhere between 3kb to 30 kb
- On rejection of application based on an image, do not include the same photograph while refilling
- Application Fee
- The application fee is to be paid while submitting the registration form itself
- The fee can be paid through debit card/ credit card/ net banking services
- The fee paid is not refundable under any circumstances
- The fee structure varies based on the community
General category candidates – ₹700 + bank’s service charges
SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B category candidates – ₹500 + bank’s service charges
- Confirmation Page
- Successful submission is notified by the confirmation page
- It is to be noted that application is not complete if the confirmation page does not occur
- Beyond this page, the candidate is responsible for the information provided and changes can be made only during the time period given
- It is mandatory to produce this page while appearing for the exam and counseling
- On losing the confirmation page, the candidate can apply for a duplicate by paying ₹500
- The duplicate confirmation page will be received by the candidate only after 60 days from the day of result
- Correction Time Period
- A couple of days will be given to change any details that have been incorrectly entered
- However, primary information like name, gender, date of birth and parent’s name cannot be changed
- Corrects can be made only during this time window
- Candidates are responsible for the changes, and the board will not make any changes for the candidate
- Admit card can be received only after this time window
- Admit Card
- Admit tags will be generated only upon successful application of registration form
- The card can be downloaded from the same username -password credential
- A printed hard copy of admit card is to be carried to the examination and counseling process
- Admit cards are provided solely based on information provided by the candidate and no post checks will be carried out by the board
- WBJEE Exam Centers
- There are various test centers to be chosen from a list of locations including those from states of Assam and Tripura
- Candidates are expected to fill in 3 preferred positions for taking the exam
- Test centers will mostly be allotted based on the candidate’s preference
- Any changes in the test center will require an inevitable case for the board’s consideration to change the location of the test center
- There are chances for a test center to be dropped if an inadequate number of candidates request for the same
Highlights of WBJEE 2020 preparation
Successful submission of the application form will allow the candidate to write the WBJEE. Keep the following critical aspects while preparing and writing WBJEE.
- WBJEE will be conducted on 02/02/2020
- The exam will be an offline one with two sessions of 2 hours each
- Session one is of questions from mathematics and session two is of questions from physic and chemistry
- The exam has harmful marking schemes
- There are tuition fee waiver and other such reservations for candidates from special categories
- Tie-breaking criteria are listed on the official website in case there are candidates with the same rank to be admitted
- Make sure you are eligible based on the requirements are given
- WBJEE admits candidates to various colleges with their pre-requisites
- Re-evaluation of results will be possible with a fee of ₹500
- Candidates can also request for their response sheet with a processing fee of ₹500
Applying to WBJEE doesn’t necessarily mean admission to the dream college. You would need ample preparation for the examination. Follow a schedule and prepare all the concepts. Practice mock tests and previous year’s question papers. Involve yourself in a whole study group. Make sure you leave no stone unturned. We wish you all the very best.